Monday, March 24, 2008

Rookie Blog

This is my first blog. I got inspired by my friend who has a blog and she made it sound so easy. So here it goes...

I have been working on our church float for our county fair parade this summer. I had this vision last year but we were out of town last summer so this is the year for the idea. We (our church, called Abundant Life Community) are building a Noah's Ark outreach float! My big do we build HUGE animals..... and it came to me....papier mache!! Problem was I had no idea how to do that. I did some research and found out it wasn't all that hard. Very cheap and not a lot of materials were needed. Water, flour and a lot of cardboard, not to mention A LOT of DUCK TAPE! So I started with elephants, pandas, giraffes and flamingos. They didn't turn out that bad until Todd looked at my pandas and thought they looked like a possum!! hahaha! Maybe I bit off more than I thought. So that is my spring project when my kids are at school and the laundry is done. Funny thing is..... my family now tries to throw away butter containers, liter bottles, newspaper, cardboard and I'm like... "Don't throw that away I can papier mache that!"

So if you live in my town and you see legs sticking out of a dumpster it is probably me hunting for cardboard!!

take care